Let's Break It Down.

There are so many awesome brick and mortars and online apps to purchase gently used clothing that provide a beautiful aesthetic!
I'm really not sure why more people aren't purchasing their garments in this way.
Even the amount of gently used high end fashion boutiques are popping up EVERYWHERE. I can't tell you the amount of times I've found 'second hand' garments with TAGS STILL ATTACHED. I know.. mind blowing right? Not to mention the financial benefit of buying and selling gently used clothing, you're also telling Mother Earth, I LOVE YOU!
I'm obsessed with purchasing from consignment apps like The Real Real because with most items you purchase, the site shares with you the positive environmental impact you're making- such as the liters of water and kilos of carbon you'll be saving. The fashion industry is one of the TOP polluting industries on the planet. If you haven't seen the documentary 'The True Cost', it's on Netflix and I'd highly recommend it. I'd also recommend grabbing a box of tissues and rethinking your impact on the planet while you're at it.. Kidding aside, some people find it ''off putting'' to wear someone else's gently used clothing. I'm sorry to break it to you, but how many other people do you think have tried on the same dress or pants that you tried on at the mall? Here's another tip- wash the clothing before wearing it once you get it home. If you aren't doing this with your brand new garments- you really should be. There are plethora of chemical treatments used in the garment making and finishing process.
Long story short- buying upcycled, thrifted, gently used, consigned (whichever verbiage your prefer) is a WIN WIN for you, your debit card, and our one and only Mother Earth.
Check Out These Consignment Shops Listed Below!
Uptown Cheapskate (St. Peters, MO)
Plato's Closet (Manchester, Florissant, St. Peters, and St. Louis, MO | Fairview Heights, IL)
Crown Luxury Resale (Cottleville, MO)
Byrd Designer Consignment (Ladue, MO)
Restyled by Izzy (St. Louis, MO)
Clothes Mentor (St. Louis, and Ellisville, MO)
The Vault Luxury Resale (Brentwood, MO)
HUT 8 Boutique (O'Fallon, MO)
The Real Real
Once Upon a Child